About us
Worship Services
Sunday School: 9:15 AM
Connections: 10:00 AM
Worship Service: 10:30 AM
Come be our guest! If you'd like to join us, here's an idea of what you'll find when you arrive:
A welcoming atmosphere for all ages.
Friendly, ordinary people...just like you.
Coffee and snacks during Connections time.
People dressed in casual attire.
Age appropriate programs for the entire family.
Contemporary worship.
Practical and expository teaching from the Bible.
If you have further questions you'd like to ask before coming to visit us, give us a call or send us an email...we'd love to chat with you.
our pastors:
Shan D. Cleck
Lead Pastor
Shan was born and raised in Hanover, Pa and graduated from the Christian School of York. He then graduated from Moody Bible Institute in 1996, and later received a graduate certificate in Homiletics from Lancaster Bible College. His ministry experience over the past 2 decades has included Youth Pastor, Associate Pastor, as well as Senior Pastor. Shan, and his wife, Kimberly, were married in 1994 and are raising 7 incredible children. Along with pastoring, Shan loves spending time with his family, as well as reading Calvin and Hobbes, watching old Jimmy Stewart movies, and dating his wife.
Dwight Rhine
Youth Pastor
Dwight graduated with a B.A. in Evangelism and Discipleship from
Moody Bible Institute in 1999. He has been married to Amy since
1999. Dwight and Amy are the proud parents of Kayleigh and Derek. Dwight has been the Youth Pastor at Grace Community Church since September of 2002. Dwight loves spending time with his family (especially in the great outdoors); enjoys playing, watching and coaching sports (especially soccer); and finds satisfaction in working with his hands (especially landscaping and woodworking).
What We Believe
The Bible is the Word of God, inspired and without error, and the final authority for faith and life.
In one true and living God, existing in three co-equal and co-eternal persons (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), who has created all things out of nothing, and continues to sustain, provide, and rule all things to accomplish His purpose.
That Jesus Christ is God the Son who added full humanity to His perfect deity, was born of a virgin, obeyed God perfectly, died as a substitute for the sins of humanity, rose again, and ascended to the Father.
The Holy Spirit is the third member of the Trinity who came from the Father and Son to complete and perfect in us all the works Jesus began, convicting us of sin, forming Christ-like character, and gifting us for ministry.
People are created in God's image (though that image is marred), are sinners by nature, alienated from God, without the ability to reconcile themselves to God apart from the work of Christ on the cross.
The church is the Body of Christ, called to share the truth of God's Word with the world, build believers to maturity in Christ, worship and fellowship together, and celebrate Baptism and the Lord's Supper.
That men are justified by grace through faith, on the ground of the shed blood of Christ, and that all who receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior are born again of the Holy Spirit and thereby become children of God.
In the rapture of the church and the second coming of Christ to set up His Kingdom on earth.
In the bodily resurrection of the saved and the unsaved, the eternal conscious bliss of the saved and punishment of the unsaved.
Our Values
Growing Believers in Christ, Reaching People for Christ
We value the authoritative, inspired and all sufficient Word of God, and the preaching and teaching of it, without compromise.
We value worship as a response to God, both individually and corporately, which exalts and glorifies Him.
We value living by faith in the power of the Holy Spirit through personal commitment to the Word of God and prayer.
We value obeying the Great Commission to impact our families, communities, country, and the world for Christ.
We value our new life in Christ, by the provision of His shed blood and the teaching of grace and our new identity in Christ, as the basis for victorious Christian living.
We value the building of strong Biblical family relationships.
We value the fellowship and unity of the Body in mutually edifying relationships, including the dynamics of small groups, in which to experience love, fellowship, accountability, and personal growth.
We value the equipping of believers to use their spiritual gifts in ministry to others.
We value the wise stewardship of our time, talents, and money to the glory of God.
We value the ongoing training and mentoring of servant leaders for the future growth of the church.